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Union Tool Europe S.A.
Avenue des Champs-Montants 14a
2074 Marin/NE,
Tel: +41 32 756 66 33
Fax: +41 32 756 66 34
Meet our team
The ability to meet and exceed your expectations in terms of product quality, performance and service is in our company DNA.
Find out more about our team below.

Christopher Serre
President General Manager
Nicolas Wenger
Accounting, IT & Operations Manager
J.-Manuel Magalhães
European Sales & Marketing Manager
Ties Müller
PCB Sales & Applications Manager
Raphaël Gravois
Technical Consulting – Applications Manager
Frédérick Leblond
Technical Consulting – Applications Engineer
Cécile Gans
Sales & Marketing Secretary
Sandra Heimburger
Sales & Marketing Secretary
Elodie Michel
Sales & Marketing Secretary
Catherine Guerdat
Accounting Assistant
Juan Amores
Production Operator
Youssef Ben Hakka
Production Operator
Ludovic Clément
Catherine Chariatte
Warehouse - Recycling
Vincent Lavanchy